August 14, 2023

Build Your VMware Sovereign Cloud Using A Reference Architecture

How does a reference architecture help you when designing your Sovereign Cloud? It should be a critical component of your design. Without a reference architecture, it will be difficult to visualize how the software stack goes together and what has been tested and proven by the creator of the solution.

Reference architectures attempt to provide technical guidance on how components work together, show network access and security controls, or other relevant data that applies to a specific solution.

VMware Sovereign Cloud Reference Architecture

We are happy to provide this first release of a VMware Sovereign Cloud Reference Architecture to show which VMware products are included and how they are arranged in the software stack. VMware Sovereign Cloud Providers will find this very useful in designing their implementation of a Sovereign Cloud.

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Figure 1: VMware Sovereign Cloud Reference Architecture

Please feel free to download your copy of the VMware Sovereign Cloud Reference Architecture.

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